Best Information about the Dukan diet in 2019

Best Information about the Dukan diet in 2019

About the Dukan Diet, it is an effective diet suitable for healthy adults and relies heavily on carbohydrate-free proteins and vegetables. Divided diet to 4 stages of different relatively some of them in the diet followed; therefore you submit site encyclopedia This article is to guide you to information about diet Dukan in detail; they review the article stages of the diet, and models for meals appropriate for each of them; in addition to the review of the best products that can be addressed during the Follow the diet.

Information about the Dukan diet
Meal system

Information about the Dukan diet


The first stage

Protein-rich foods are eaten with nutrient-rich and low-calorie foods.
The most suitable types of food suitable for them are seafood, lean meat, milk and fat-free products.
The time to follow is determined by the amount of weight you want to dispose of.
Followed period should not exceed 10 days.

The second phase

It depends on the intake of proteins as in the first stage in addition to eating starch-free vegetables.
You should continue to apply the diet at that stage until you reach the desired weight.

Third level

The period of follow-up is determined by the number of kilograms disposed of in the previous two phases.
This phase is followed for 10 days for every kilogram lost.
Its diet is similar to that of the second stage with fruit of any low-calorie fruit and two medium-sized breads for 9 consecutive days with the possibility of eating only one open meal during that period; The first stage.

The fourth stage

It refers to a healthy, integrated nutrient and mild calorie diet throughout the entire week with only one protein intake for one day each week.
Follow for life.

Meal system

To learn models for each of the stages of the diet in detail click on the following link: ( Diet Dukan day by day ).


Many of the healthy appetite-friendly diet products are available on the official website.

Cookies covered with chocolate.
Coconut Cookies.
Chocolate Chip Cookies.
Chocolate Muffin.
Chocolate with hazelnuts.
Pretzel Oats.
To order any products, order them from the official website by clicking on the following link: ( Products ).

If you are reluctant to apply the Dukan diet, try following each of the four stages of the diet for only one day; be careful not to do so if you are sick ; The diet is not integrated nutrients in its first three stages.

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