Maine tried diet dates and milk and slimmed

Maine tried diet dates and milk and slimmed

Maine tried diet dates and milk and slimmed? , Diet dates and milk , which is one of the most effective health diets to lose weight in a short time, if you suffer from the accumulation of fat in the body you are in need of access to this article, sometimes some people looking for diet effective and quick help him slimming if it has an important occasion He wants to appear in it gracefully.

Following any type of diet requires avoiding certain types of foods that cause weight gain, as well as focusing on low-calorie foods that help to increase the rate of metabolism, in order to burn fat, and through an encyclopedia we will review the system of this diet and the experiences of some people In his followers.


What is the diet of dates and milk?

Is there damage to the diet of dates and milk?
Maine tried diet dates and milk and slimmed
1. First experience
2. Second experiment

What is the diet of dates and milk?

It is a type of fast diet that targets to lose about 5 kg in just one week.
It depends on eating a certain number of dates ranging from 5 to 7 dates per day, as well as a cup of skim milk.
This diet is based on three daily meals of dates and yogurt.

Is there damage to the diet of dates and milk?

Any type of diet carries a number of drawbacks, which you should see below:

Although this diet helps to slimming effectively in a short time only after the completion of his followers quickly return the body to gain weight again, it is a short-term diet.
Following this diet can cause you to feel exhausted and unable to complete your daily tasks.
One of the main disadvantages of this diet is that it does not lack many of the nutrients necessary for the body, which are present but unbalanced, such as protein and vitamins, most notably vitamin E.
A lack of vitamin E negatively affects the health of the skin, because it leads to pallor.
Lack of protein intake leads to weakened muscles of the body.
This diet causes dehydration, because this diet reduces fluid intake in general.
This diet is prohibited for young people because they need all the nutrients to grow, as well as diabetics, heart and liver.
There are other cases prohibited from following this diet, including pregnancy and lactation, and those who suffer from weakened immunity.

Maine tried diet dates and milk and slimmed

1. First experience

One of the girls tells that she was overweight, about 80 kilos, and then decided to follow this diet, which helped her to lose weight effectively as she currently weighs 60 kilos.
The girl recalls that during the period of her diet did not feel any fatigue, as she was keen to do some exercise to the abdomen to increase the body's ability to burn more fat accumulated in that area.
The girl continues to talk about that experience that she was keen to walk regularly on a daily basis for 30 minutes during this diet.
The girl tells us that the diet was 7 dates with a glass of milk in all meals and all days except the third, sixth and seventh day, where a low-calorie food such as grilled meat is eaten at lunch.

2. Second experiment

Another girl tells that her experience in this diet was excellent, since the weight before starting to follow him reached about 88 kg, and that diet helped her to reach 59 kg.
The girl says she ate in three meals a day about seven dates with a cup of skim milk.
The girl recalls that she did not exercise during the diet, and that she preferred to diversify in eating these meals, sometimes eating a box of yogurt Activia instead of milk or a drink of cocoa low-calorie.

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